IDEASS: Integrative Data-Enabled Approaches to Sustainability across Scales
Research project funded by the NSERC Strategic Project Grants Program
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Research Team

Sheryl Staub-French

Sheryl Staub-French (Principal Investigator), Department of Civil Engineering

Kellogg Booth

Kellogg Booth, Department of Computer Science

Rachel Pottinger

Rachel Pottinger, Department of Computer Science

Ron Kellet

Ron Kellett, School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture

Maged Senbel

Maged Senbel, School of Regional and Community Planning

Our five-member research team of junior and senior faculty is strategically constituted and configured to carry out this research (as shown in the figure below). We have core expertise in planning, design and construction processes, data management, user interfaces and collaboration technologies.

  • PI Sheryl Staub-French is an Associate Professor of Civil Engineering with expertise in Building Information Modeling, design coordination, constructability reasoning, construction visualization, and activity-based cost estimating.
  • Kellogg Booth is a Professor of Computer Science with expertise in collaboration technology, human-computer interaction, interactive computer graphics, and user interface design.
  • Ronald Kellett is a Professor in the School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture with expertise in architecture, energy and urban form, design decision support tools and spatial sustainability indicators.
  • Rachel Pottinger is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science with expertise in data management and mining, the integration of building design data with other data types, and data propagation cleaning technologies.
  • Maged Senbel is an Associate Professor, of Community and Regional Planning with expertise in urban design, participatory and deliberative decision-making, and decision support methods and technologies for planning and design.

Staub-French, Booth and Pottinger worked together on ARTIFACT (Advanced Research, Techniques, and Informatics for Future Advantages in Construction Technology), a previous NSERC strategic project. Kellett and Senbel have worked with Booth on collaboration and visualization software for neighborhood planning.

research collaboration

IDEAS2.0 Research components and expertise of the members of the research team.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

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