November 2012 Scenario Scoping Workshop
In November 2012 we conducted a workshop to provide a concrete introduction to the tools and methodologies that we are developing and how our research addresses their needs.
During the workshop we used the future scenarios matrix, presenting three potential scenarios that illustrated a problem‐driven research theme and associated agenda for the project:
- How to improve consideration (iteration and evaluation) of building systems options?
- How to improve the handoff (interface) between construction and operations processes?
- How to improve the integration of infrastructure and community planning?
Based on the discussion and on feedback, we found that priorities tended to cluster at the scales of buildings and neighbourhoods. You can read more about this here.
Attendees included the City of Vancouver, UBC Building Operations, UBC Properties Trust, Canem, AEC Summit.
Subsequent to the workshop we worked with a team of graduate students in the Masters of Digital Media program to develop a multi-media simulation of the neighbourhood scenario.
May 2014 CityEngine Workshop

Left: CityEngine simulation workshop with Grandview-Woodland planning team in May 2013
Right: CityEngine model of Grandview- Woodland, annotated by elementslab during cityengine workshop.
Between November 2012 and October 2013, IDEASS collaborated with city planning staff to generate metrics, visualizations and other representations of contemplated land use proposals for the Marpole and Grandview Woodland Community Plans. A series of meetings and interactive workshops were convened to engage city staff in defining an appropriate palette of visualizations and indicators to support internal workflow and deliberation. The visualization and measurement palette was applied to a series of interactive simulations of planning options, at sub-area and neighbourhood levels. These workshops included diverse visualization and measurement tools for representing the implications of contemplated planning and policy alternatives for housing diversity, access to transit, services and parks, energy demand and district energy potential.
Workshop outputs were used by city staff to inform internal discussion and decision-making. These outputs were subsequently consolidated, edited and reformatted to create poster boards that were displayed at public open houses and on the city’s project website.
Workshops are held with project partners in the The BC Hydro Theatre at the Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability.
2260 West Mall, Room 2331
Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z4
Check back later for potential upcoming workshops.